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Following the Shepherd King


Jesus declared, "I am the good shepherd." Many who heard him say this thought he was raving mad. Why? Might it have something to do with God's promises spoken through the Prophet Ezekiel? Discover how the New Testament writers capture Jesus as the "good shepherd" and be challenged to follow in his ways.


This can be expanded into 3 talks for a retreat called "Living Our Lives with the Good Shepherd" 

Passing the Passion: The Jewish Heart of the Apostle Paul

Paul is known as the Apostle to the Gentiles, but in his letter to the church in Rome, he bears his heart for his fellow kinsman and challenges the "unnatural branches" (the Gentiles) to share his passion and to guard their hearts against becoming arrogant over the "natural branches" (the Jews). Sadly, the Church throughout history has not done well in following Paul's admonition. Let's talk about this.

What My Zeyde Taught Me About Faith

Justin's grandfather faithfully went to shul every morning for the shacharit prayers. This spiritual discipline within Judaism has taught him a lot about living out his faith and the important roles we all play in building biblically functioning communities.

Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

Jesus was a Jewish rabbi who invited 12 "ordinary unschooled men" to be his disciples so that they would become and act more like him. 11 of those 12 did just that, and helped build the foundation for what has become the most prolific spiritual movement in the history of the world. What can we learn from Jesus' discipleship methods that can help us in building his kingdom today?

Reading the New Testament with Jewish Eyes

The New Testament was written by Jews primarily to a Jewish audience. Learn the nuances between the Hebrew and Greek ways of thinking so we can better appreciate what these writers were trying to convey to their readers.​


Understanding the Story of God

If you had under an hour to provide a summary of what the Bible teaches, do you know what you would say? This talk highlights the 7 primary themes of God's Word that will give you and those you share it with a solid framework for understanding every passage and story from Genesis to Revelation.


Encountering Jesus Through Shavuot

Shavuot (Weeks) is one of the three pilgrimage festivals of Israel. It's also the backdrop to the events we read about in Acts 2 that Christians know as Pentecost.

Encountering Jesus Through Sukkot

Sukkot (Booths) is one of the three pilgrimage festivals of Israel. It is also the seventh and last on the annual festival cycle, which points to its deeper meaning of God's coming restoratoin of all things.

Christmas Through Jewish Eyes

Jesus' birth put flesh onto the hopes and dreams of the people of Israel who were longing for a coming King who would bring peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind. Discover why the shepherds were the first to receive this good news and be inspired to follow their example.

Encountering Jesus Through the High Holidays

Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) & Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) are known in Jewish tradition as the Days of Awe and Repentance, and they lay the foundation for  Christian doctrine on atonement and forgiveness.

Encountering Jesus Through Hanukkah

Although the events of Hanukkah are not mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, the holiday is mentioned in John's Gospel and is a backdrop to a very controversial proclamation made by Jesus. This well-known holiday also challenges us to be vessels of "light" in the dark and broken places in our world.

The Passover Experience

The traditions of the Passover encourage us to remember the Exodus, but they can significantly help Christians better understand the redemptive ministry of Jesus. Experience a traditional Passover Seder through the eyes of the Jewish sages and the writers of the New Testament.




Confessions of a Biblical Zionist & the pursuit of peace in the Holy Land

Is there a Biblical basis for Zionism—the belief that Jews have a divine right to self-determination within their ancestral homeland? If so, what about the non-Jews who live in the land? Are Zionists an obstacle to peace?

Combating the World's Oldest Hatred


Antisemitism—hatred of the Jewish people—has been around almost as long as the Jewish people have. Why...and what can you do to combat it?


Why Are There So Few Jew in the Pews?

Although many Jewish people in the first century embraced Jesus as the promised Messiah, that is not true of most Jewish people today. Why?

Loving Our Jewish Neighbors in a Post-October 7th World: Challenges and Opportunities

Following the horrific events of October 7th, 2023, many throughout the world took to the streets and on college campuses to condemn Israel and express their support for Hamas and the Palestinian people. What should the Christian response be to these events?

Is There Any Hope for Peace in the Holy Land?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most concerning and confusing conflicts in the world. What are the challenges and obstacles to peace? Is there is any hope?

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